
  1. whatthepick stats made easy to compare and build your betting pick!

    Hi guys, I'm working on a betting helper platform to provide easy to compare stats to make the process of picking fun and straightfoward. Many competitions and league are available: the major US Pro and collegue leagues, the most important Soccer leagues, UFC, Tennis and Formula 1. I'd love...
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    Experiment on betting only from stats

    I was I was curious to see if it was possible to combine football and math and make some sort of betting “algorithm”. I started by giving my excel spreadsheet a lot of "experience" in the form of input on how previous football games have gone with several factors. I made two types of...
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    Sports Statistics

    Detailed Sports Statistics you can find here:
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    Quick Soccer Stats

    Here you can find a list of quick links with Soccer Stats:
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    Quick Links with Sports Stats

    Here you can find a list of quick links with statistics for all popular competitions in different sports: